It has highlighted to me however the amount of unnecessary stuff we posses. So starting tomorrow there will be 3 Large boxes labeled Ebay, Charity and Bin and i will be trawling through every cupboard, nook , cranny and surface decluttering every room like a woman possessed . I often take a bag of stuff to the charity shop and have even done the cash for clothes in the past but now its time to get RUTHLESS! If I haven't used it in the past 6 months and wont be using it in the next 6 months its going!
Hopefully this will save me a great deal of time in the future and I may actually find that wretched phone in the process. there will be less to tidy up, it will be far easier to locate the things that we need. Plus the proceeds of anything sold on Ebay will go towards paying off the credit card.
Thanks for reading
J x