I used to stock pile a lot and how my family used to tease me. But it did save me a fortune as i would only ever purchase bargainous offers and stopped me nipping to local shops. It also meant that we had plenty in stock. Well I am going to start it again next month I have ran the cupboards and chest freezer right down to the bare minimum so nothing has gone to waste but I do keep nipping to the local Tesco and its pushing my food budget right up which is no good as I want to lower that. So my target for this month is to establish two months supply's of tinned food,toiletries, laundry and cleaning products and to refill my chest freezer all with bargains though and attempt to stick to a budget of £350 (usually £550 for the rest of the month. Then lower the budget the following month to £ 500 whilst maintaining my stockpile if you see what I mean so by December I should be spending the bare minimum on groceries to free up some cash for christmas!
I will be mainly shopping at aldi and hunt around online for the best prices on all the other stuff I can not buy there e.g laundry detergent, Lots of bulk cooking too and focusing on reducing the waste. I will try and use as many coupons as possible and collect a few Tesco club card points while am at it (hoping to get a few vouchers towards the uniforms). So will posting updates of my spends to ensure I stick to my target !
off to write a very long list