Friday, 13 June 2014

Meal Planning

  Occasionally I fall of the meal planning wagon and it proves extremely expensive when  I do. So each week I am going to post our weekly meal plan even going to hang a list up in the kitchen to keep me focused and to prevent any further falling off the wagon again.

FRIDAY -Chicken wraps fajita style

SATURDAY- Jacket potatoes, beans and sausages

SUNDAY-  Scouse

MONDAY- New potatoes, chargrilled chicken and veggies

TUESDAY- Fish , chips and peas

WENSDAY- Chicken casserole and root mash

THURSDAY- Spaghetti Bolginase ( more jacket potatoes for the pasta haters)

 We only have puddings randomly otherwise  we go over the food budget and am desperately trying not to give my family too many empty calories I want their food to be filling and nutritious so they benefit from eating and not just a quick fix .This time last year I was a rubbish cook now am a little better than rubbish I have more confidence in my cooking abilities too and learnt how to make a few new dishes. My pocket and the families health have benefited I do still buy// make the odd treat for the little darlings buts its a treat not an expectation now. I haven't branched out into using pulses though because them little darlings are really fussy though am sure I will try them eventually. Who knows one day I may post all their fussy eating habits and see what frugal meals my blogging friends can come up with for them!

Stay frugal peeps

J x


Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Back to blogging!

 Hi everybody I have really neglected this blog for months now and  now hopefully am back on track and will try and post at least several times a week .  I always found blogging helped me to stay focused on a more frugal lifestyle helping me to stretch the pennies as far as possible.  My lovely readers always share their tips too and i just love reading peoples responses. I cant believe i haven't actively blogged for so long. But you know how it is I have been working so much there simply wasn't the time.  Well am back now to the world of blogging and hope my readers will return !  I have been checking in on my friends blogs which I thoroughly enjoy reading  and am always hunting out new ones.

 Today was shopping day and yes as always I visited my trusted local aldi store. I can not believe I used to shop elsewhere it makes me cross to think of how much money I frittered away buying food in other supermarkets. I reckon considering the sheer amount of food my clan get through I save over £ 30 s a week shopping here combined with being very strict and buying minimal treats .That is £1560  a year  and not to be sniffed at. I used to have a shopping budget of £500 a month and have discovered that this is just impossible since the price of food keeps on rising and the kids appetite keeps on growing. It was getting that way I cud no longer bulk buy or stockpile certain items as the budget just wouldn't allow it. So now I have increased my budget by a whopping  £100. Its the only way  to combat the rise in food prices and the growing appetites! In the mean time am on a mission to come up with even more budget friendly meals that the little darlings will actually eat!

 I did have a slight fail on this morning shopping trip however and forgot to buy oil, so will have to pop to a another shop for that which will cost me even more money just goes to show the importance of that trusty shopping list without it I always forget something. I would of shown you guys a photo but had to take the opportunity to get all the shopping packed away sharpish while baby had a little snooze.

bye for now
